
Showing posts from May, 2021

Prayer for Nigeria Christians

 *Nigeria to become Islamic nation by Oct 1st ..... unless we get up and pray.....Pls Join the prayer !!!!! Heed The Warning Now Or We Die as a Nation Come 1st October* I was working on some documents in my office this morning, the 6th day of May, 2021. Exactly at 9:25am, our Lord Jesus Christ entered my office.  His countenance was saturated with sorrow like one who is bereaved of His loved ones. The moment I saw Him, I became afraid. Then He said to me, "Son, I am in deep pains. The reason is that what God have been warning my people about for a long time is almost taking place.  For a very long time - more than two years now, God have been warning Christians in Nigeria to pray seriously against the islamization of Nigeria but they did not take it very serious except very few. They relaxed and were fighting themselves. They don't realized that they were besieged by their enemies, even in their churches, their enemies have spies who report regularly to them with information a


True Love

 What is Love? What makes true love? How to love and who to love? If you are able to answer these 3questoins, Then you have it all.